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Biochemistry reagent test kit

Direct Bilirubin Test Kit (Vanadate Oxidation Method)

Package Size: 50mL(R1: 1×40mL  R2: 1×10mL)

Intended Use: Total Bilirubin Test Kit (Vanadate Oxidation Method) is intended for quantitative in vitro determination of D-BIL concentration in serum on photometric systems and auxiliary diagnosis for the assessment of bilirubin metabolism disorder. Erythrocyte in vivo update constantly, the senile cells will be distinguished and swallowed by reticuloendothelial cells accounting for the changes of membrane. In reticuloendothelial cells such as liver, spleen and marrow, hemoglobin is resolved into globin and ferroheme which will be oxidated into biliverdin with the catalysis of oxygenase in microsome. Biliverdin will be reducted into non-water-soluble bilirubin with the catalysis of biliverdin reductase (coenzyme: NADPH). After combining the bilirubin with plasma-albumin, the combination will be transferred into the liver which is named indirect bilirubin or unconjugated bilirubin. In the liver, bilirubin combined with glucuronic acid will produce conjugated bilirubin (single and double glycosidase acid and bilirubin) with the function of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase. The conjugated bilirubin will be discharged into intestinal tract with bile. A vast proportion of it will generate colorless bilinogen by bacteria action and then be discharged with excrement after being oxidated into choline. Total bilirubin is a total of indirect bilirubin  (unconjugated bilirubin) and direct bilirubin  (conjugated bilirubin). The concentration of D-BIL in serum will increase in varying degrees when intra-hepatic or extra-hepatic biliary obstruction, hepatocyte damage (especially in the later stage of disease), Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndrome happens.