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Biochemistry reagent test kit

α-Amylase Test Kit (Continuous Monitoring Method)

Package Size: 50mL(R1: 1×40mL  R2: 1×10mL)

Intended Use: α-Amylase Test Kit (Continuous Monitoring Method) is intended for quantitative in vitro determination of α-AMY concentration in serum on photometric systems and auxiliary diagnosis for pancreas diseases. α-AMY is a group of enzyme that hydrolyzes the starch and hepatic glycogen into dextrin, maltose and small amount of glucose. α-AMY is contained most in pancreas and will be secreted into the small intestine by pancreiatic duct after being synthesized by pancreas cells. Sialaden also secretes large amount of α-AMY into the mouth cavity. In addition, α-AMY can be seen in ovaries, lungs, spermary, striated muscles and fat. Increasing concentration of α-AMY can be seen in acute or chronic pancreatitis, mumps, acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, gall-stones and perforated, etc.