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Biochemistry reagent test kit

High Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol Test Kit (Direct Method)

Package Size: 40mL(R1: 1×30mL  R2: 1×10mL)

Intended Use: High Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol Test Kit (Direct Method) is intended for quantitative in vitro determination of HDL-C concentration in serum on photometric systems and auxiliary diagnosis for hypercholesteremia, coronary heart disease and atherosis, etc. High Density Lipoprotein is a lipoprotein of highest density, which functions in transporting cholesterol biosynthesis into the liver and suppresses combination among cells and LDL intake at the same time to avoid the deposition of cholesterol on arterial wall. Declining concentration of HDL in serum can be seen in atherosis, NS (Nephrotic Syndrome), diabetes mellitus, sever liver diseases and CRF (Chronic Renal Failure), etc.